The Passion of Collecting Academic Nudes

Join me as we explore my collection of Academic Nudes from the 18th, 19th, and Early 20th Centuries and serendipitous finds in the Museum, Art Auction, and Gallery world......examples from the Golden Age of the European Academie

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Theodor Krause (1868-1956) Stehender Nackter Jungling - Standing Nude Male Youth

The Theodor Krause academic drawing of a standing nude youth arrived this morning from the Leipzig Auction house. I scanned it in two pieces and stitched it together so that the detail in the drawing could be seen easily. (below)

Carlos Grethe (1864-1913) Gegen den Strom (Against the Current) Circa 1900

This is a little off topic but bear with me and enjoy this fine work. It may stimulate some creative juices out there. This morning I browsed the current auction catalog of Auctionshaus Geble, Radolfzell, DE and this fine painting really took my breath away. Sometimes I am browsing along, going through hundreds of artworks looking for exceptional nudes and all of a sudden something else catches my eye. Although this painting is outside my collecting purview, to my eye it really represents a perfect collective storm of drawing, composition, movement, creating and releasing stress, color, brushstroke, and just plain perfect draftsmanship. Carlos Grethe (1864-1913) was a member of the Munich Seccession and co-founder of the Stuttgard and Karlsruhe Artists Association during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is well known as a marine and genre painter. This particular painting, according to the description, was exhibited at the Leipzig Art Association Exhibition. The title of the painting is: Gegen den Strom (Against the Current).

Friday, October 21, 2011

Rudolf Henn (1880-1955) Nackter Jungling mit Spiegel (Nude Ephebe with Mirror) Ca. 1900

I am happy to say that this beautiful utilitarian bronze of an ephebe holding a mirror will be coming into my collection next week. I took the lot in an auction in Germany yesterday.

Rudolf Henn (1880-1955) did numerous sculptures during the Art Deco period. He is well known for his fountains and small idealized bronzes. He was also a noted WPA sculptor who lived in New York and worked with Heinz Warneke, Theodore Barbarossa, Richmond Barthe, and Erwin Springweiller for four years on the Harlem River Houses Project in NYC. Many of his bronze artworks are of children and include fountain sculptures.

Caption: Nude Ephebe Holding a Mirror

Artist: Rudolf Henn (1880-1955)
Material: Cast Bronze

Dated: ca. 1900-1920

Here are a few examples of Hen's other works:


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Few Gems From The Current Auction Season:

Here are a few notable lots in the current season:

Annibale Lotto's "Boy Bitten by a Crab"....... ca. 1900

(?) Neeb ... Young Faun - 1904

Rudolf Henn (1880-1955) Nude ephebe Holding a Mirror - 1900-20

Barbieri, Attributed to Giovanni Francesso (1591-1666) Sitting Male Nude

19th Century French School - The Signatory - 1810

Franz Reinhardt - Figures on Horseback

Friedrich Rehberg (1758-1835) Male Nude Study

Carl August Liner (1871-1946) Untitled

Monogrammist "R.N." - Male Nude in Studio Pose

19th Century Nazarine School - Christus am Freuz

Paul E. Chabas (1869-1937) Three Nude Females at Bath

Walther Teusch (1883-1964) Kind mit Blumen auf einer Wiese - 1918