Several days ago I received an email from an specialty art gallery in Brussels that specializes in male nudes with an obvious bent towards a gay audience. When you buy art at public auction like I do, then expect your email address to be sold to industrious entrepreneurs hoping to sell their artworks to you, in this particular case wildly overpriced artwork with stupid and ridiculous shipping charges. When I enquired about a particular small 19th century painting of a male nude, the owner took me for a rich American fool, of which I am neither, rich nor a fool that is. I am guilty of being an American. Most of the gay oriented illustrations in their email had absolutely no interest for me, if that stuff turns you on then knock yourself out, but there was one image of a 19th century academic drawing that I immediately recognized (first illustration below). Back in January, I added two original French academic prints to my collection, one titled "The Fighter." I am always delighted to see a drawing that illustrates the 19th century academic process of teaching drawing to students (in this particular case...drawing from a master drawing) and here is the perfect example.

Below are illustrations of the original early 19th century French Academic print titled: The Fighter