Above is a selection of du Gardier's mature works. The Conservation Expert who is doing the restoration of the Male Nude described the quality of the painting and the fact that the hand that created it was indeed the hand of a master. The materials the artist used are of high quality and the work shows a knowledgeable and sensitive hand in the rendering of the model. As I listened to her describe the color palette the artist used I was enraptured by the description and her knowledge of Art materials. I could tell from the passion in her voice that I had truly found someone who appreciates art and has devoted her life to returning great art to its former glory. Soon we will begin the journey into my collection and hopefully an appreciation of these wonderful works of art that over time have been basically dismissed as "academic works" and not reflective of the artist's mature works. I really beg to disagree with that line of reasoning because these academic works are a history of the passion and skills each of these artists developed in the early stages of their career. Considering the fight you have to put up in both money and effort to obtain a quality academic nude, I would say there are many out there in the world who share my view of these works. I know from first hand that once initiated into the academic world of the nude an artist will always come back to the basics to keep attuned to their roots. Enjoy, and let's get started on our journey........