Well, after drying my tears on an entire roll of extra absorbent paper towels from the loss of the Giorgio Aicardi (1891-1984) Male Nude drawing last week I have managed to redeem myself in the world of collecting by submitting a low ball offer on a really nice drawing by the Italian Artist Antonio Corrado Orillo (1861-1904) that I initially discovered on eBay Australia . I was stumbling around on eBay Australia (don't worry I didn't fall, although I did swallow my chewing gum and bruised my knee picking myself up off the floor) this afternoon when I discovered an academic drawing of a nude ephebe by the Italian artist Antonio Corrado Orillo (1861-1904). I will have to do some searching for more biographical information on the artist. This magnificent drawing is now headed for my collection. The following was taken from the auction description: (P.S.... Thank you Daniel for allowing me to add this beautiful drawing to my collection!)
"Antonio Corrado Orilia (1861-1904) was an Italian artist active in the last quarter of the 19th century. See his painting "The Red Fan," which sold at auction last year, and the catalog "Le arti figurative, la Promotrice e la Provincia. Dinamiche culturali a Napoli dall’Unità alla fine del secolo" by Isabella Valente, published in conjunction with the exhibition "The Other Nineteenth Century: Paintings from the art collection of the Metropolitan City of Naples," 23 December 2015 - 28 February 2016."

I managed to find just a few additional works by the artist: